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RiverflowUltimateScreen (1).png


Riverflow is a game where the player must grow a forest as wide as possible. He can dig canals to create rivers that can irrigate sprouts which spawn regularly on the map. The terrain expands as days pass, and so the player must manage a space that grows progressively. Each day, the player gets more shovels (his ammunition to dig canals) and can also get special objects, such as raining fogs or lakes, to help him with his irrigation.

Desktop Screenshot 2022.02.16 - (2).png

The ground can have different types, which all require a minimum of water quantity to be irrigated. The more the player divides his rivers, the less they have water. The player's challenge is to manage his river network to always have the minimum amount of water for all his trees.


The game has multiple levels and each of them has a specific theme that brings new challenge and puzzle variations to the player. The game has no winning end, the player's goal is to sustain his forest as long as possible, to make the best score he can. If three sprouts die from not being irrigated for too long, the player loses the game. 

During pre-production, I had the role of Game Designer on this project, taking part in the design and prototyping of the core system and content of the game. I had also the task of writing design documentation for the game.


During production and post-production, I also became Level Designer and Producer on the project. I organized meetings between the different team members (three other Game Design students and one Game Programming student) to assure global communication and to clarify our milestone objectives. I designed, implemented and iterated on the different levels of the game. I organized and followed playtests to assure a correct balancing and difficulty curve but also to ensure a good player experience and game feel.

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