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Galaxy of Wisps

In Galaxy of Wisps, you must create a galaxy around a dimensional rift that has just appeared somewhere deep in space. Through this rift are leaking foreign spirits, wisps. The rift can handle only a limited amount of wisps and will explode if it goes beyond its limit. To prevent that, you must use the planets of your galaxy to create new homes for the wisps, discharging the rift from its burden. To create planets, you will need to expand your galaxy to find nebulas: reserves of matter that can use to create stars, or harvest the matter to create planets around those stars. 

The project is currently in early prototyping phase, which goal is to iterate on the management of the galaxy and its balancing. The goal is to find a simple management loop that can be built upon and synergize well with the second big part of the game. 

The second ambition of the project is to create life in the galaxy through interactions between the wisps you host. The goal is to make wisps evolve and gain new behaviors depending on the types of planets they live in, the kinds of wisps they encounter, etc... With this the player can expect new bonuses and opportunities, but also new challenges. Some wisps might take less place in planets for other wisps to live in, generate additional income, or become predators and attack other wisps.

The personal goal for me behind this project is to experiment, improve and learn on subjects and skills I like and am interested into. Designing game systems, scripting, prototyping, finding ways to create complex systems but making them easily understandable and simple to use.

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